Philips Support

How often should I descale my Philips Coffee Maker?

Published on 01 February 2024
Descaling your Philips Coffee Maker is important to ensure optimal brewing results, extend the lifetime of your coffee maker and reduce the risk of breakdown.

Below you will find details on how to descale most Philips Coffee Maker models and the Café Gourmet coffee maker. 

Descaling all coffee maker models

If you use your coffee maker regularly (two full jugs of coffee every day), below is the recommended frequency for descaling your machine:
  • 2 or 3 times a year if you use soft water (up to 18 dH)
  • 4 or 5 times a year if you use hard water (over 18 dH)
For detailed explanations on water hardness and descaling instructions, please refer to the user manual. 

Descaling Café Gourmet Coffee Maker model

If you have a Philips Café Gourmet coffee maker, follow the instructions below:
  • Every 2 months if you use soft water (up to 13 dH)
  • Every month if you use hard water (over 13 dH).
For detailed explanations on water hardness and descaling instructions, please refer to the user manual. 
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